Thematic storytelling

Thematic Storytelling allows a special event to align multiple aspects of an idea around one singular theme.

For example, Storylines teamed-up with ValleyArts in the Town of Orange, New Jersey for a unique olive oil tasting session with select Italian wines, hand-made meats & cheeses, an art show of the client’s work imported from Italy — and, a storytelling event centered around the theme of olive oil. 

A limited supply of high-grade olive oil (previously unavailable in the U.S.) was on hand from the mill at Fattoria Di Monticello and all profits from the event contributed to the ongoing educational programs of ValleyArts, a local art-based non-profit serving the underserved community. 

The Story Angels composed original work using the theme of olive oil, as requested by our client, Ms. Stefania Belli, founder of La Lingua La Vita in Todi, Italy.

The evening was a celebration of Italy and the Mediterranean lifestyle aligned by one theme.

Other thematic events have included individual birthdays, a company milestone, a retail store’s product launch, and personal cause for celebration.